Forward to Freedom

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see the most asked questions and answers about this campaign.  

This list will be updated throughout the campaign.  

As always, if you have more questions about the campaign, contact someone on the leadership team.

  • What is the Forward to Freedom Campaign?

    The Forward to Freedom Campaign is a fundraising effort targeting the elimination of church debt so that resources currently going toward mortgage payments can be used to grow God’s kingdom and our church.

  • Why is Plum Creek launching a campaign now?

    Plum Creek continues to grow! In the first eight months of 2024, our average Sunday morning attendance increased by 14% over last year. What's more exciting is that we've seen significantly more baptisms than in all of 2023. And 2023's baptism numbers were up from 2022. Our mission calls us to lead people to a life-changing relationship with Jesus. Paying off our mortgage will allow Plum Creek to address critical needs that go along with leading people to a life-changing relationship with Jesus.

  • How long will the campaign last?

    Forward to Freedom will kick off this fall and last three years.

  • What is the goal of this campaign?

    Our goal is to eliminate debt. All monies raised will go directly to paying off our mortgage. As of August 1, 2024, our loan balance was a little over $1.454 million at a current interest rate of 6.95 percent (rate adjusts in five years). Our monthly mortgage payment is $11,000 ($132,000 per year). If we raise $1 million through Forward to Freedom, the loan will be paid off in the Fall of 2028 and we’ll save $1,099,000. That means for every dollar we raise through this campaign, we’ll see an additional dollar in interest savings.

  • Once the debt is eliminated, where will that money go?

    Once the debt is eliminated, that money – $132,000 per year – will go toward critical ministry needs. Exciting opportunities that have been discussed, include expanding community outreach (specifically with our new neighbor, Grant’s Lick Elementary), increasing capacity in our kids ministry, hiring additional staff (a Children's Minister will be an urgent need as the ministry grows), and addressing other critical facility needs. Ultimately, we will continue to pray, “God, what do You want to do through us?” And wherever he leads, we’ll follow.

  • How will those decisions be made?

    The Plum Creek staff and ministry teams work together to find the most effective ways to lead people to a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. Ideas are then presented to the Elders for approval after prayer and congregational feedback. One important factor the Elders will take into consideration is keeping Plum Creek in a debt-averse position. While we can never plan for every contingency, avoiding debt will be a priority moving forward. 

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